Message from Ko Shichida –CEO of Shichdia Educational Institute, Inc.
The Shichida Method of child education aims for the education which develops children’s motivation and talents.
Every child is born with natural abilities. It is the most effective to develop the talents in early childhood. If children are educated in the education which develops their talent, they will be able to understand and memorize what they learn easily and finish homework in a short period of time. Therefore, they can save their time for their leisure and have rich life. I think this is a great merit.
The real learning is to acquire the ability to live alone. If I compare learning with a tree, polishing abilities to live is the “trunk” and studying knowledge is “leaves”.
The study of the way to live is called “humanics”. We aim to develop humans who contribute to others and teach humanics to children through the Shichida Method. Another goal is to encourage the talent who can be good leader to make better society.
I took over the Shichida Method from my father, Makoto Shichida, and it is spreading to about 460 centers in Japan and more than 30 centers in 12 countries. I sincerely hope that the method will be brought to children in your country for their future.
Ko Shichida
CEO, Shichida Educational Institute, Inc.
Profile of Ko Shichida
Born in January 1963
A son of Makoto Shichida, the founder of the Shichida Method
Graduated from Tokyo University of Science where studying mathematics
Became the CEO of Shichida Educational Institute, Inc. in 1987
Involved in production and supervision of the educational materials since he was an university student
Wrote books on the subject of early childhood education, high-speed calculation method and mnemonics for adults